You are connected to THE CORNERS site of AVENTURA SARL.

These General Conditions are subject to change. It is your responsibility to consult them regularly, as the applicable conditions will be those in force at the time of use of this site or of the conclusion of the Contract as described below.


Postal address: Route d’Arlon (Belle Etoile), L - 8050 BERTRANGE
Legal form: limited liability company
Share capital: 12,500 EUR / R.C.: B 167475 / VAT: LU 253 30 814
Authorization no.: 10025141/0 of April 18, 2012
Phone.: +352 27 39 26 51
Email address:


Access to certain pages of the site is subject to prior communication of personal data concerning you.
"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" only stores, electronically or in any other form, data that is useful in the performance of its services.

The personal data that you communicate to us are confidential and will in no case be transmitted to third parties without your prior approval and in compliance with the provisions of the law on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (law amended on August 2, 2002).

"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" undertakes to make every effort to ensure that personal data provided by the user of the site is transmitted securely but reminds the user that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet network .

The user accepts that any use of the site is carried out under his own responsibility.

In accordance with the legislation relating to the protection of personal data, you have the rights of access and rectification relating to data concerning you. You can exercise these rights by sending a written request to "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP". at the address mentioned above.

Users of the "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" site are informed and accept that when accessing this site, information may be temporarily stored in memory or on their computer equipment in order in particular to facilitate navigation on the site.

By providing their telephone number (s) or their e-mail address on the "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" site, users agree that "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" will send them information either by telephone or by e-mail.


The site is intended for customers of "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" as well as for those interested in the products offered by "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP".
This site is subject to Luxembourg law.

"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" undertakes to comply with all Luxembourg laws and regulations governing the operation of a website.

It is recalled that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and / or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet.

You must not misuse the site by intentionally introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs and other malicious or technologically harmful devices. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to this site, the server on which this site is hosted, or any server, data computer related to our site. You agree not to attack this website through a denial of service or a distributed denial of service.

Any violation of this provision constitutes an offense under the applicable regulations. We will notify the appropriate authorities of any such breach and cooperate with them to uncover the identity of the hacker. Likewise, in the event of non-compliance with this clause, you will immediately cease to be authorized to use this site.


Although "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" takes all necessary measures to ensure that the information and data published on this site are correct, they are provided for information only. The responsibility of "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" can not be engaged for imprecise, incomplete, erroneous information or for falsified or manipulated information.

This information in no way constitutes an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell. They have no value of legal, accounting, tax advice and are only valid for the moment they were given.

The "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" site may list information made available by third parties or hypertext links to other sites. The existence of a link from the "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" site to another site does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of this site or its content. The responsibility of "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" can not be held liable for the information, opinions and recommendations formulated by these third parties.

"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" reserves the right to modify the content of the site or to make it inaccessible.


You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights relating to the information or content on this site will, at all times, be our property or that of those who have granted the license to us. You may only use this information to the extent that you are expressly authorized to do so by us, or by those who granted the license. This does not prevent you from using this site to the extent necessary to copy information about your order or contact details.

All the brands, logos or elements appearing on the pages of this site are the exclusive property of "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP".

The creation of deep links to this site is subject to the prior agreement of "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP".


The user accepts that any access to the site or any use is made under his own responsibility.
"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" is not responsible for direct or indirect damage which may be caused by the use of the site, in particular in relation to the interruption, shutdown or malfunction of the site which could result in particular from the shutdown for maintenance. or the overhaul of the IT system of "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" due to technical failures or network overload, telephone line cuts, errors, negligence or fault of Internet service providers or a third party as well as 'a virus from the Internet.



To place a purchase order for products or services offered by "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP", the customer must identify himself and submit his order.

To this end, he must complete, according to the instructions provided to him online, a form made available to him in which he will indicate in particular his name, first name, (or company name), as well as his e-mail address, his postal address, if applicable, its delivery address, as well as its telephone numbers.

The customer having chosen the products or services he wishes to buy, definitively validates his order in view of the summary displayed on the screen by clicking on the "Send" icon.

By validating the order, the customer also acknowledges having received prior notice of the general conditions of use of the site and orders for products and supplies by "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" and he expressly declares to accept them as an integral part of the contract concluded with „ THE CORNERS WEBSHOP „under the conditions provided for in articles 8.2 and following of these general conditions.

The computerized registers, kept under security conditions and in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data in computer systems, will be considered as proof of communications, orders, and payments between parties.

As long as the customer has not switched to payment methods, he can at any time remove or add products, modify the quantities, or even abandon the basket and simply exit the website.

By placing an order on the site, you confirm that you are over 18 years of age and that you have the legal capacity to enter into contracts.


Any order will be considered accepted and the related contract will be considered concluded from the moment the customer has received electronically from "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" a confirmation equivalent to "acknowledgment of receipt" of the order. "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" assumes that the email address provided by the customer is correct. Confirmation of the order is considered to have been received when the customer can access it. Upon conclusion of the contract, "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" undertakes to have the items ordered delivered or made available to the customer.

The contract thus concluded will be archived on a computer medium and will be accessible by the customer who will be able, upon receipt of the order confirmation, to access it.


The prices of the articles on the site are net prices including all taxes.
The prices are denominated in euros and payable in euros. Any mention of prices in currencies other than the euro is given for information only.

The price of the products will be that indicated at all times on our site, except in cases of obvious error. Errors may occur despite our best efforts to ensure that the prices quoted on the site are correct. If we detect an error in the price of the product (s) you have ordered, we will notify you as soon as possible and offer you either to confirm your order at the correct price or to cancel this order. If we are unable to contact you, the order will be considered canceled and we will refund you the full amount paid.

We are under no obligation to sell a product at an incorrect lower price even if the Dispatch Confirmation has already been sent.

Payment by the customer is made:
- Online by credit card. "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" accepts Visa and Mastercard credit cards.

- Online by Paypal.


Under the provisions of the law of January 2014 on electronic commerce, the customer has for any contract concluded by electronic means a period of 14 working days from the confirmation of the order to withdraw from the contract without giving reasons. and without penalties.

"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" reimburses the customer as soon as possible, between 5 to 10 working days, for all sums he has received from the customer in performance of the contract concluded. This period starts from the day on which "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" has received the notification by registered mail of the customer's withdrawal.

The customer returns to "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" any delivery he has received, as soon as possible and at the latest within 5 to 10 days. This period runs from the day of the registered mailing of the withdrawal by the customer, the postmark being taken as proof.


The burden of risks related to loss or damage to items is assumed by "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" for the duration of the transport of the items and until delivery of the items to the customer.

In the event of damage, damage or missing items, the customer must make reservations by registered mail within 24 hours of delivery at the latest.

"THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" cannot be held responsible in the event that the recipient is absent from the delivery of the articles and / or in the event that the customer withdraws late or does not collect the articles from the carrier after the latter has delivered a transit advice note to the addressee.

Under these conditions, no complaint will be accepted.
If the above procedure has been followed and it is proven that the items have been severely damaged before their receipt by the customer, "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" will re-deliver similar items.

Any standard delivery for an amount greater than 45.00 EUR to an address in
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is free.
For purchases below this amount, shipping costs will be added to the order total.

In the event that "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP" cannot perform the contract due to the unavailability of the item (s), the customer will be informed of this unavailability by email and the contract will then be automatically terminated.

The reimbursement of sums that the customer has, if applicable, already paid will be made as soon as possible and in any case within 30 days.


The direct costs of returning items are free for a purchase from 45.00 EUR or by depositing the items at the corners belle etoile store.

The direct costs of returning articles are free if the return is due to an error attributable to "THE CORNERS WEBSHOP".

Only items returned complete, in new condition, will be taken back or exchanged.


The Luxembourg courts have sole jurisdiction to hear any disputes relating to the use, interpretation, execution of the information and data appearing on this site as well as those concerning the execution of the contract concluded with the customer.

Luxembourg law is applicable between the parties.

Last updated: 02 March 2021